• Official theme song for Chris Stepien's novel, "Three Days: The Search for The Boy Messiah"
  • Disciples of Doubt: A Journey with the Messiah’s Mother by Chris Stepien.
Official theme song for Chris Stepien's novel, "Three Days: The Search for The Boy Messiah", published by Dynamic Catholic. Imagine how Mary and Joseph felt losing their child Jesus in the Temple for three whole days? What might the child Jesus have experienced during that time? Rapper Communion teams up with Catholic author Chris Stepien to bring this beloved biblical story from Luke's Gospel to life in rap form.

About This Single

Catholic author, Chris Stepien, teams up with Catholic rapper, Communion (a.k.a. Alvaro Vega), to bring a beloved biblical story to life - in hip-hop form.

The Gospel of Luke (2:41-52) tells us 12-year-old Jesus was alone in Jerusalem for three days after Passover, when his caravan departed for home in Nazareth. Imagine how Mary and Joseph felt as they searched for their son for days, only to find him discussing Scripture with the teachers in the Temple.

And what might preteen Jesus have experienced and endured during that time? How would this mystery foreshadow his destiny to save the world from sin?

“The Boy Messiah / Conquer Hell” is the official theme song for Stepien's novel, "Three Days: The Search for The Boy Messiah" from Beacon Publishing / Dynamic Catholic.


Unprofitable Servant Productions (2016)
Music, Vocals & Production: Communion
Lyrics: Chris Stepien
Design: C.M. de la Vega
James Tissot Art: Courtesy of the Brooklyn Museum


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